Tuesday, November 15, 2011
opor ayam bukan oportunis
Resep Opor Ayam identik dengan Lebaran, sehingga kebanyakan Opor Ayam disajikan saat lebaran dan dipadukan dengan Lontong. Akan tambah nikmat jika Opor Ayam disajikan saat masih panas.
Bahan Untuk Resep Opor ayam :
1/2 kg ayam
1 butir kelapa
10 buah bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
5 butir kemiri
1/2 sendok makan ketumbar
1/4 sendok makan jintan
1/4 sendok makan merica
1 cm laos
2 lembar daun salam
1 batang sereh
1/2 sendok makan gula merah
garam dan ketupat secukupnya
Cara membuat Opor ayam :
Bersihkan ayam lalu potong-potong, cicihkan.
Parut kelapa, peras hingga menghasilkan santan kental dan santan cair, sisihkan.
Haluskan semua bumbu kecuali sereh, daun salam dan laos.
Masukkan santan cair dalam panci, tambahkan bumbu halus, aduk rata hingga mendidih.
Masukkan daging ayam, tuangi dengan santan kental.
Masak hingga daging ayam matang.
Sajikan dengan ketupat.
Untuk 2 porsi
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
seo article
Yahoo Instant Search
Yahoo Instant Search
Before Google solidified its hold on the Internet, Yahoo Search was the top Web destination. Now, Yahoo is struggling to compete and take its place back at the top. The year 2011 seems like a promising year for Yahoo Search, though. Just this 23rd of March, the search engine released Yahoo Search Direct, a new tool similar to Google Instant Search. As with Google Instant Search, Search Direct gives you results as you type in the search box. So what’s in it for us users? Well, for starters, you get faster results, and there is less typing and clicking involved. |
Search Direct brings you results in real time the moment you click inside the search window. A dropdown box shows the latest trending searches even before you’ve entered one single character.
Once you’ve typed in the keywords you have in mind, the trending list is replaced with an auto-suggest list and the window to its right is filled with results relevant to your query.
Once you hit enter, you’ll be redirected to the regular Yahoo Search results page and be greeted by the usual blue links.
As of now, Search Direct is still in beta phase in the US. Later this year, the new tool will expand to other markets and Yahoo products.
Search Direct is a lot like Google Instant Search, but the two are not entirely the same. For one, unlike Google Instant Search, Search Direct’s real-time results only show up on the drop-down window but not in the actual results page.
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Thanks to Search Direct, you don’t have to leave the search box to get relevant information. While you may be directed to Yahoo’s own in-house content (such as Yahoo Shopping), that’s hardly a problem, and it only makes sense for Yahoo to promote its own websites.
Here are more of Search Direct’s advantages:
Faster Searches
Some of the most successful inventions in human history let us accomplish taxing activities with very little energy and effort. This is partly why Search Direct is a winner. You do not have to finish typing a search term since you get results right away.
That said, Search Direct also saves time.
Smarter Predictions
How many times have you gone on a search engine to look for something but do not know what it is exactly you are looking for? Search Direct helps you know what to look for by suggesting keywords related to your query. The top suggestions are shown in grey text right below the search box, so you can stop typing after finding a relevant suggestion.
How to Turn Off Search Direct
Some people are more comfortable with regular search, though. Here are the steps to turn Search Direct off or on.
Click the Options link found to the right of the Search button, then hit Preferences.
Select Edit beside Search Direct.
Choose either On or Off.
Click Save, and you’re done.
To save this setting, you have to log in to your Yahoo account.
| |
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Thursday, October 20, 2011
Mengapa pilih Tabloid hapebandung untuk mempromosikan produk dan program bisnis anda
· Satu satunya Tabloid HP ASLI JAWA BARAT , menggunakan bahasa popular sehari hari dengan memasukan unsur bahasa sunda gaul dalam setiap tulisan sehingga mudah dipahami oleh pembaca.
· Diskon besar.
· Wilayah Edar yang Luas yaitu di semua kota/kabupaten diseluruh Jawa Barat
· Iklan mempunyai masa tayang cukup lama karena Tabloid HapeBandung terbit 2 minggu sekali dengan kertas yang berkualitas.
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· Semua Konten dan topiknya mampu menyedot minat dan loyalitas pembaca. (penyajian harga hp yang uptodate, review teknologi terbaru, konsultasi seputar hp, komunitas gaul/eksis, aksesories dan modifikasi hp ).
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Banner, 6 kolom x 80 mm Rp. 1.600.000,- Rp. 2.600.000,-
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- Diskon di klaim dengan melampirkan voucher diskon di bawah
- besar space dapat dilihat di tabloid terlampir atau tanyak langsung ke maketing
Jadwal terbit Tabloid HapeBandung hingga Desember 2011
Edisi No. 78 Tanggal terbit Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011
Edisi No. 79 Tanggal terbit Kamis, 10 November 2011
Edisi No. 80 Tanggal terbit Kamis, 24 November 2011
Edisi No. 81 Tanggal terbit Kamis, 8 Desember 2011
Edisi No. 82 Tanggal terbit Kamis, 22 Desember 2011
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