Saturday, March 17, 2012

Seeking For Job With Easy

We already know how much unemployment in Indonesia, even some of them are migrant workers who are experts in their fields. Apart from macroeconomic factors such as economic growth, political, and so on, but is no less important is the appropriate means to bring together between job seekers and employers.

I have experience how difficult it is to find a reliable information technology workers, but at other times I would find a lot of powerful information technology workers who have not gotten the job. It is ironic to realize how difficult we find them when we need it.

Jobs Online

With the technological advances are emerging job provider website that serves as a means to bring together between job seekers and employers. But from some of the major providers in Indonesia as I can honestly say there are still many things that must be addressed by them in order to really be able to function properly.

Ideal criteria

As a user who has ever used an online job site for job seekers and employers then here are some criteria that I consider to be possessed by that provider.

Job Seeker

Sort or search facilities based on the minimum education.
Sort or search facilities based on the length of work experience.
Sort or search facilities based on the Closing Date.
Facilitating the keyword or keywords to facilitate employers looking for suitable applicants.
Provide facilities sort based on a combination of the above fields.
Display data in accordance with job specialization in the field of work or key words that we give (job matches).
Provide facilities for publishing resumes that are looking for work.
Provide the flexibility to use the resume document that we have.
Have information about the company's line of business.
Provide information about the status of applications that we submit.
Send email reminders or reminder at a certain time period to update the resume.


Sort or search facilities based on the minimum education.
Sort or search facilities based on the length of work experience.
Sort or search facilities based on the expected salary.
Facilities sort based on a range of age.
Facilities sort or search by city of residence.
Facilities sort or search by keyword or keywords.
Provide facilities sort based on a combination of the above fields.
Applicants provide the data via email by using your own resume can dbuat by job seekers.
Does not display the email or phone contact data directly to the applicant unless requested.


Here's a review of my personal assessment for the three online job provider in Indonesia that is, JobsDB Indonesia, and JobStreet Indonesia.

This local company is a favorite place for many people in search of work and inform the job. But for me the website is still far from expected.

Here are some points that can be taken into consideration.

Price is relatively cheaper than its competitors.
Many unrelated jobs sent to applicants who participate in email notifications.
There is no tracking of application status sent.
There is no facility to send an application using a resume design that we already own.
Format of incoming email to the company tends to be rigid so that it is difficult to determine the interest or the advantages of the application the applicants to enter.
This provider is best used when you look for jobs such as sales, marketing, data entry, secretary, or some entry level positions.
This provider also provides many jobs for job seekers whose education under S1.

JobsDB Indonesia

With headquarters in Hong Kong, the provider is in a relatively short time managed to get into one of the major job provider in Asia.

Here I write down some points that can be taken into consideration.

Having an attractive and professional look.
Preparation of resumes look quite professional.
Having seen the initial price is relatively quite expensive though given a longer period.
There is no tracking of application status sent.
There is no facility to send an application using a resume design that we already own.
Email notifications to job seekers to Job Matches went relatively well.
Function of the website can not run properly if you use Firefox browser.
Job seekers have to open a detail job to know the business of the company offering the vacancy.
This provider is best used when you are look for a job or managerial expertise.
This provider is also a good option for job seekers who have had experience of several years.

JobStreet Indonesia

First established in the country of Malaysia, the company has become one of the major job provider in Asia. It is a leading provider of job that comes closest to the ideal criteria that I mentioned above.

Here are some important points for consideration.

Tracking the status of the application has passed, such as: how many incoming applications for the vacancies, how many are being considered, and whether there are elected.
Reminded via email when the closing date of the job we choose.
In addition we can upload your resume online resume we have his own design.
Can submit an application using the attachment that we design your own resume.
Enter data provider line of business of the company's job vacancies are displayed on the list.
This provider is best used when you are look for a job or managerial expertise.
This provider is also a good option for job seekers who have had experience of several years.

I want to reiterate that this review is the result of my personal analysis and of course you probably have a different opinion. From year to year, a provider of online job will always improve the features that allow the posting of this review to be expired.

Hope this helps a lot and I look forward to the participation of peers to provide feedback, corrections, or ideas about this.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

survey dapat duit daftar disini

Halo kawan-kawan semua? apa kabarnya :> Lama sekali ngga update tentang Paypal. Pada artikel kali ini saya mau coba memberikan "Flying Fox" atau mudahnya "Cara ngisi saldo paypal yang cepet" . . .

Nah, mungkin dari kalian ada yang awan soal paypal. Tapi jangan takut khawatir karena sudah bejibun artikel yang membahas paypal. Kalo di blog saya cuman ada ini:

Paypal dan pengertiannya,dan lain-lain
Cara Bikin Widget "Donasi Paypal"
Withdraw ke Bank Lokal
Tips Keamanan Akun Paypal
Kamus Paypal Lengkap

Mungkin artikel-artikel di atas judulnya agak-agak l3b4y ya :D, tapi yang penting isinya :)

OK. Cara Cepat Mengisi Saldo Paypal dengan IpanelOnline;

Ipanelonline adalah Market Research International terpercaya karena termasuk dalam anggota/member ESOMAR (organisasi dunia yang menangani Market Research) yang didirikan sejak tahun 2004 di Shanghai China dan sudah mempunyai cabang di beberapa negara yaitu di HongKong, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Korea, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Vietnam, dan juga negara kita tercinta, Indonesia.

Mekanismenya seperti ini:
Anda daftar ---> survey atau bisa pasang link referal alias rekomendasi teman untuk join ---> kumpulkan poin sebanyak-banyaknya ---> poin tersebut bisa ditukar barang, uang, saldo paypal :)


Nah, jika sudah OKE, bisa langsung dipraktekkin tuh . . .


Silahkan mendaftar melalui link berikut ----; Click Here
Lalu isi semua form, usahakan sesuai keadaanmu. Kalo ngga ,yang penting isi aja :)
Lalu seperti biasa, konfirmasi via Email. Buka email Anda lalu klik link konfirmasinya
Sekarang sudah bisa login ke akun ipanelonline Anda
Nah, step awal untuk mendapatkan poin sangat mudah. Tinggal ikuti petunjuk di sidebarnya. Nanti akan ada banyak survey-survey yang berbayar, ada pula "dapet bayaran hanya update status" dan lain sebagainya :)
Ok. Cara melakukan survernya, tinggal klik aja link yang tersedia. Jika Anda mendapatkan link survey maka akan ada tulisan "Ongoing"

dan ikuti petunjuknya

Dan mulailan surving :)

Kita bisa mendapatkan uang kita jika kita sudah memilki poin minimal 220,

poin 220 = $2,3
poin 520 = $5
poin 1020 = $10

Nah, pembayarannya akan masuk ke rekening Paypal, jadi kan intinya Saldo Paypal kita akan bertambah. Nah, dikatakan CEPAT ya karena emang cepat :) makanya Coba :)

Selamat mencoba
- sumber dan Penulis : Damar Saloka Anggoro - Judul : Cara Cepat Mengisi Saldo Paypal | Daftar Ipanelonline

Earn Money With Online in Cash Fiesta

Every time I online, always taking the time to look for information on how to make money via the internet without a penny of capital. Unfortunately, I have always found the program a little complicated and sometimes make my head spin. Gmn ga dizziness klo program suggested I buy the ebook, click on the ads, read emails or create a blog online sendiri.Sedangkan my every activity must have been too preoccupied with lainnya.Hingga I finally found a program that can facilitate dollar I earn money online just by it! Without complicated by the activities that I do when online, the program is cashfiesta.

Here I will menjelskan good bit about the program.

Everyone like the television advertisements on TV who will pay for advertising on the TV. Same with Cashfiesta, who pay for the services to us, the Monitor Screen advertising at us (when we connect on the internet). The amount of advertising services is calculated by the POINT that we can directly monitor the FiestaBar


You must have an account on Cashfiesta, of course, must REGISTER first. To make it easier you can directly click:

After that, you must download FiestaBar, the media used Cashfiesta who advertise on our screens, looks like a banner, so when running FiestaBar then 1/8 our screens will be used as an advertising medium (while we can still browse the internet with a smooth, or chat)

We Install FiestaBar on our computer, 1 minute Nothing is installed (just click next, next, next, ... fisnish) Tip's for users figuring .... Copy the installer FiestaBar Flasdisk or other media, jd mate change every computer (the cafe) live in the install again wrote ... (is not no one minute)

WE RUN THE FiestaBar

Enter user-name and password mate

If the existing Banner on display monitor, means Cashfiesta already running and start generating Dollars,,,,

When it appeared ad, point it to FiestaBoy Pointer (Animation, Kids) in the left FiestaBar (at first he was just sitting / sleeping)

1000 Point = $ 1
1000 Point = $ 2 (day off)

Free surf:
After I rata2,
Point that we can for 1 hour = 500 points.
So every two hours we can 1000 Point (1000 Point = $ 1) $ 1 = Rp. 9000, -
Internet cost per hour rata2 Rp. 3000, - (6,000 for 2 Hours)
We Revenue Hours = 2 9000-6000 = 3000

So we surf plus FREE MONEY CAN

Point we will continue to grow only when FiestaBoy walking,

Point is not increased when FiestaBoy sit / sleep
The way we live navigate Pointer to FiestaBoy (he'll run again) when the Exit Writing Immediately CLICK "CLICK HERE" at the left end FiestaBar (where FiestaBoy running)

JOIN a special offer at least 6 pieces of cashfiesta (calm, not to worry, look wrote a free special offer), this will affect the value of point that we get. Can be seen on the member page cahsfiesta pal account.

In Table Number of Special Offers Registrations Bar & Referrals Points * (your point) Payrate (pal will be paid)

0 1,000 $ 0.010
1 1,000 $ 0.040
2 1,000 $ 0.333
3 1,000 $ 0.500
4 1,000 $ 0.660
5 1,000 $ 0.830
6 1,000 $ 1.000
Gold Club 1,000 $ 1,666

Points from Special Offers have a guaranteed
payrate 1.000 points = $ 1.00
Points from Holiday Deals have a guaranteed
payrate 1.000 points = $ 2.00

If you want to get out of cashfiesta viewbar, clicks on a cross (X) at right angles cashfiesta view bar, then the point that my friend collect will be updated to account cashfiesta pal.

So that point increases, immediately click on the words "CLICK HERE" if it appears at the left end FiestaBar, then click the image FiestaBoy. Or if it says "Clik On FiestaBoy"

Caution: If the fiesta boy sitting, sleeping, click he'll work again (ie berjalan2 so) ... Point so that we get ..

If we join with at least 6 units on special offer cashfiesta (will be detected by cashfiesta after 8 weeks we are joined by special offer), then every 1000 points you valued $ 1 (one dollar). Aja imagine if every day could collect 2000 points, hmm, two dollars per day as well ... pretty ...

To raise revenue in Cashfiesta pal, says invite teman2 and acquaintances about cashfiesta and get percent of their income for up to 8 levels. In the referral program, you get 15% of direct referral points (level 1). The more referrals you are, the more money you will be able to, but remember that Cashfiesta not tolerate SPAM.

Check examples of Cashfiesta.

For example, if you can get a referral 3 people, and everyone can .... etc. 3 refs. Then each person online 1 hour / day = 500 points = 15,000 points / month / person. So my friend in a month income as follows:

Pal points in 1 month = 15,000

Level 1 = 3 x 15,000 x 15% = 6750
Level 2 = 9 x 15,000 x 7% = 9450
Level 3 = 27 x 15,000 x 2.5% = 10 125
Level 4 = 81 x 15,000 x 2.5% = 30 375
Level 5 = 243 x 15,000 x 2.5% = 91 125
Level 6 = 729 x 15,000 x 3% = 328 050
Level 7 = 2187 x 15,000 x 1% = 328 050
Level 8 = 6561 x 15,000 x 1% = 984 150

Total points = 1,803,075 / month

Every 1,000 points = $ 1, so the potential revenue
mate of U.S. $ 1,803 / month. Just try it count
rupiah ... not bad ...? That's just a matter of
referral, how about if there are additional points
points and special offer holiday?

Introduce the URL in forum2 pal, Chating, and group2 on Yahoo or Google.
Disbursement of funds by check if it has reached at least U.S. $ 50 (fifty dollars), and can be withdrawn at any Bank in Indonesia.
Do not forget to include your full address at registration, so that checks can be sent directly to your hands

Let's wait no more Includes Cashfiesta!
Related Links


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