Friday, April 29, 2011

Membuat Patung David Beckham dari Photo

Membuat Patung David Beckham dari Photo

Sorry yaa temen-temen.. saya lama gak posting.. yaah, biasa sih.. alesannya karena sibuk hehehehe…

Oia.. saya sih sebenernya sama sekali gak keberatan ( kalo keberatan saya minta tolong bantu angkatin yah .. :p ) semua tutorial photoshop di web ini di Posting ke blog nya mas-mas, mba-mba, aa, dan teteh, bapak-bapak dan ibu-bu sekalian… tapi please kasih link ke… karena Mengarang dan nulis itu lebih susah dan penuh perjuangan (keringetan , berdarah-darah, jari sampe bengkok-bengkok, dan sampe gak makan minum seharian sehingga badan jadi kurus kering kayak gini (boong banget yang ini ) .. hehehe lebay dot com .. << kalo Ini rekayasa penulis aja ..hihihi). Jangan biasa in copy paste, yaa minimal edit dikit gambar dan kata-kata nya.. karena pekerjaan yang mudah kayak gitu bikin kita jadi males dan gak kreatip (pake f) ..Saya seneng banget tutorial photoshop saya ini disenengin dan di sebarin di BLog nya mas-mas, mba-mba, aa, teteh, ibu2 dan bapak2.. tapi please tulis sumbernya … :) be a CREATIVE & GOOD BLOGGER .. !

Tutorial Photoshop sekarang tentang bagaimana membuat Patung David Beckham yang berasal dari sebuah Foto.. Foto nya David Beckham tentunya… masa fotonya Tukul :p

Pertama buka foto David Beckham yang original..

Download Foto David Beckham dan Texture nya DISINI

Duplikat layer background dengan menekan CTRL + J

Kita bekerja di Foto hasil duplikat aja ya.. pilih layer 1 ( foto hasih duplikat )

Klik Image > Adjustment > desaturate atau CTRL + SHIFT + U untuk menjadikan Hitam putih.

Zoom bagian mata ..

Aktifkan quick mask mode .. kalo blom tau fungsi quick mas silahkan baca lagi tutorial photoshop saya yang ini..

Klik Brush Tool .. (pilih yang ukuran kecil … dikira-kira aja yang penting bisa buat masking bola mata nya )

Buat yang bagus yaa masking nya… :) … oia.. mata satu lagi jangan lupa …

setelah beres proses masking , Non aktifkan lagi Quick Mask Mode nya..

maka mata akan terseleksi , tapi ini terseleksi mata luar nya… kita harus inverse dulu.. klik Select > inverse..

Klik gradient tool… settingan gradient ada di gambar..

Buat gradient buat di dalem mata.. gradient warna gelap di bawah ..

Kalo nanti hasilnya urang memuaskan… warnai samping mata dengan brush ukuran kecil dan warna abu-abu gelap.

ini hasilnya :

warna yang gelap seperti alis, rambut, jenggot terangin dengan dodge tool..

Hapus background putihnya.. Karena warna background putih, ini jadi sangat memudahkan .. klik magic wand tool trus klik sekali aja di background putih nya.. lalu Ketan Tekan delete! tekan CTRL + D untuk menghilangkan seleksi..

Kalo udah kita buka texture file tembok.jpg yang udah di download disini

Drag ke foto david beckham yang sudah diedit barusan..

KEcilin gambar temboknya, puter-puter, pokoknya biar pantes dan pas aja.. hehehe.. kalo mau diganti dengan texture yang lain juga gpp.. misal nemuin gambar batu .. pake aja..

Kalo mau pas, di bikin transparan dulu temboknya.. (opacity nya kurangin aja) .. kalo udah beres opacity nya naikin lagi jadi 100%

Klik Image > adjustment > desaturate untuk membuat tembok jadi hitam putih

CTRL + Klik di layer 1 (foto David Beckham), Klik Layer tembok (layer 2) dan Klik Add Vector mask .. otomatis si tembok akan mengikuti bentuk Seleksi..

Ubah Layer mode menjadi Multiply

udah setengah jadi nih… tapi ada sebagian tangan dan badan nya masih ada..

jangan khawatir… kita potong aja..

matikan dulu layer background

CTRL + klik layer tembok.. klik Select > Inverse .. tekan DELETE..

Taraaa! hilang kan ?

Klik New FILL and adjustment layer > Hue/saturation

Klik lagi New FILL and adjustment layer > LEVEL

Supaya keliatan realistis… Burn semua tepi patung David BEckham

CTRL + Klik Layer 1 untuk menyeleksi..

Klik burn tool… brush semua tepi nya.. kira-kira aja yah.. pokoknya sampai keliatan gelap aja..

Kalo udah keliatan bagus… sekarang kita gabung hasil nya.. dengan menekan CTRL +ALT+SHIFT + E

Buat dokumen Baru File > new

DRAG Layer gambar yang sudah jadi ke dokumen baru

Warnai background dengan warna hitam… pake paint bucket tool..

keliatan ada list putih seputar gambar patung david beckham …

mariii kita hilangkan!

Klik select > Modify > contract (cukup 1 pixel aja)

Klik Select > inverse lalu tekan delete…

Gunakan Poligonal Lasso tool untuk membuat bagian bawah patung biar keliatan seperti patung beneran :D

Seleksi bagian bawah patung seperti gambar .. Tekan DELETE

Gunakan Eraser Tool untuk menghaluaskan hasil potongan bentuk bawah patung

Sekarang kita setting background nya sedemikian rupa.. biar keliatan lebih real lagi..

Gunakan Brush tool (Ukuran Besar dan Soft round) , warna abu-abu…

Kita buat bayangannya sekarang..

Buat layer baru diatas layer background..

gunakan Ellipticak marquee tool … buat Ellips dibawah patung dan warnai dengan warna hitam

Klik Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur

udah kan ?

kita buat lighting sekarnag..

CTRL + klik di layer patung..

Klik Filter > Render > lighting Effect

Hasil akhirnya harusnya seperti ini :

Silahkan dicoba… selamat belajar yaa juragan !

Samsung Galaxy Tab (AT&T)

Product Description Product Description

Enjoy a rich, brilliant viewing experience wherever you roam with the Android-powered, 3G-enabled Samsung Galaxy Tab mobile tablet for AT&T--a powerful, entertainment device ideal for home or on the go. Weighing just 1 pound, it features a vibrant 7-inch touchscreen display with 3D-like graphics, speedy 1 GHz processor, and the Android 2.2 operating system--all in a sleek and compact form factor.

The Galaxy Tab includes a 3-megapixel rear
camera as well as a 1.3-megapixel front-facing
camera for video chats (see larger image).

Enabled for use on AT&T's lightning quick HSPA 7.2 network, you'll be able to easily access the Internet as well as quickly download video, music, and more. AT&T offers two pay-as-you-go data plan options for the Galaxy Tab--a $14.99 option for 30 days with up to 250 MB of usage and a $25 option for 30 days with up to 2 GB of usage. If you use all the data included in your plan before 30 days, you can easily purchase another pay-as-you go plan.

With integrated Google technology, the Galaxy Tab brings one-touch access to the popular Google mobile services millions use every day, including Google Search by voice, Google Maps with Street View, Gtalk, YouTube, Picasa, and contacts/calendar synchronization. Through Android Market, you'll get access to thousands of useful applications, widgets and fun games to download and install on your phone, with many more apps being added every day.

The Galaxy Tab offers full support for Adobe Flash Player 10.1 for accessing Flash-enabled websites, watching video and playing games, and with built-in support for ultra-fast Wireless-N Wi-Fi, the Galaxy Tab's portable screen is ideal for watching the latest movies and entertainment. You'll enjoy access to Media Hub, Samsung's own content service that offers an extensive library of acclaimed films and TV programming for rent and purchase. And AT&T data plan subscribers also get access to AT&T's entire national Wi-Fi network at no additional charge.

Designed to fit in one hand, typing messages or notes is simple and easy with the Galaxy Tab's virtual QWERTY keyboard with Swype technology, which allows you to input text faster and in a more intuitive way with one continuous finger motion across the screen keyboard. It's outfitted with a rear-facing camera for photo capture and sharing as well as a front-facing camera for video chat. Other features include Bluetooth 3.0 wireless connectivity for hands-free devices and stereo music streaming, 16 GB internal memory, microSD memory expansion (via optional cards up to 32 GB in size), HDMI video output (via optional dock), and up to 13 hours of battery power.

Samsung Social Hub

The Samsung Social Hub makes it easy to combine your social networking services, instant messages, personal and business e-mail, calendars, and contacts in one place. It's built around Messaging and Contacts, both of which initiate the sending and receiving of information--whether it is e-mail, instant messaging, or social network updates. Additionally, calendar information from portal calendars, such as Google Calendar, and social networking services are displayed together in one calendar with two-way synchronization.

Pre-loaded apps on the Galaxy Tab for AT&T includes Barnes and Noble Nook, Samsung Media Hub, and QuickOffice.

Key Features

  • Fast 3G connectivity via AT&T's HSPA/UMTS network (850/1900 MHz bands; 3.6/7.2 Mbps speeds with network availability).
  • Pre-loaded AT&T Account Manager for easy on-device activation and usage viewing.
  • Ultra-fast Wireless-N Wi-Fi networking (802.11b/g/n) for accessing home and corporate networks as well as hotspots while on the go. Connect for free using one of the over 20,000 AT&T Wi-Fi hotspots nationwide.
  • Powered by the Android operating system (version 2.2) with deep integration of Google services, access to thousands of apps via the Android Market, and support for Adobe Flash 10.1.
  • 7-inch touchscreen display (1024 x 600 pixels, 16 million color depth) with 6-axis motion sensor and accelerometer.
  • 1 GHz Samsung Hummingbird processor speeds up everything--from playing games to watching shows to opening files from work.
  • Virtual keyboard
  • Swype input system allows you to input text faster and easier by gliding your finger around the keyboard, moving from letter to letter in one continuous motion. The Swype technology then calculates what word you're intending to type (learn more below).
  • Samsung Social Hub provides one stop for all your updates integrates all your social networking services, messages, personal and business e-mail, calendars and contacts.
  • Samsung Media Hub provides entertainment on the go with the ability to download and view thousands of hit movies and TV shows via Wi-Fi or on AT&T's Network. (Movies available for purchase or rental, TV shows available for purchase only). For a limited time, AT&T customers will receive a $50 Media Hub Movie Rental credit with Galaxy Tab purchases.
  • GPS navigation enabled enables you to search for the closest coffee shop, or navigate to a specific address with a 3D map that moves with you.
  • 3-megapixel rear-facing camera with flash captures still images and video that that can be edited, uploaded, and shared.
  • 1.3-megapixel front-facing camera for video chat
  • Multi-format media player compatible with MP3, WMA, and AAC music files plus DivX, XviD, MPEG4, H.263, and H.264 video files.
  • Pre-loaded Barnes and Noble Nook e-reader links you to the Nook eReading Book Store for new purchases plus access to previously purchased titles.
  • Next-generation Bluetooth 3.0 connectivity provides faster throughput while minimizing on power requirements. It's compatible with new Bluetooth 3.0-enabled devices as well as backward compatible with older Bluetooth-enabled peripherals such as headsets and printers. It includes profiles for communication headset, hands-free car kits, and the A2DP Bluetooth profile--enabling you to wirelessly stream your music to a pair of compatible Bluetooth stereo headphones or speaker dock.
  • 16 GB internal memory
  • Memory expansion via microSD card slot with support for optional cards up to 32 GB.
  • DLNA capabilities via AllShare allows you to wirelessly share stored music pictures, and HD video (720p) to other DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) certified home electronics including HDTVs, monitors, digital cameras, and printers.
  • 3.5mm headphone jack
  • Support for personal and corporate e-mail
Vital Statistics

The Samsung Galaxy Tab weighs 13.4 ounces and measures 7.5 x 4.8 x 0.45 inches. Its 4000 mAh lithium-ion battery is rated at up to 13 hours of battery life, and up to 500 hours (20+ days) of standby time. It runs on the 850/900/1800/1900 MHz GSM/GPRS/EDGE frequencies as well as AT&T's dual-band 3G network (850/1900 GSM/EDGE/UMTS/HSPA 7.2).

What's in the Box

Samsung Galaxy Tab, pre-loaded warm SIM, charger, USB cable, quick start guide

AT&T Services

High-speed AT&T 3G Mobile Broadband Network
The dual-band 850/1900 MHz 3G network makes it possible to enjoy a variety of feature-rich wireless multimedia services, and gives you the advantage of offering simultaneous voice and data services.

In areas where the 3G network is not available, you'll continue to receive service on the AT&T EDGE network, which offers availability in more than 13,000 U.S. cities and along some 40,000 miles of major highways. It's fast enough to support a wide range of advanced data services, including full picture and video messaging, high-speed color Internet access, and e-mail on the go.

Easy Pay-As-You-Go Data Plan Options

AT&T offers two pay-as-you-go data plan options for the Galaxy Tab--a $14.99 plan for 30 days with up to 250 MB of usage and a $25 plan for 30 days with up to 2 GB of usage. If you use all the data included in your plan before 30 days, you can purchase another pay-as-you go plan. The data plans do not require a long-term contract.

As a courtesy reminder, AT&T will notify you when the 30-day plan is close to expiring or when you are close to depleting the amount of data available in the plan. For additional convenience, these plans can automatically renew every 30 days (when paid for using a credit card or debit card).

You'll also enjoy easy on-device wireless activation and account management. Tapping "Activate" on the AT&T Account Manager begins the quick wireless service activation process. Tapping "Buy More Credit" on the AT&T Account Manager on device (with active wireless service) allows for quick access to view remaining data/time, purchase more data, add a device, or edit information about your account.

Swype Keyboard

An alternative to the Android virtual keyboard, the Swype virtual keyboard allows you to input text by swiping the finger with one continuous finger or stylus motion across the screen keyboard. Based on testing, speed and accuracy are equal to or better than the traditional keyboard-tapping method. You can activate the Swype keyboard by pressing and holding in a text field, waiting for popup to appear, clicking Input Method, and then selecting Swype.

A key advantage to Swype is that by roughly aiming to pass through the letters of the word there is no need to be very accurate, enabling rapid text entry.

Just click below if you want a good price


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Canon EOS 60D 18 MP CMOS Digital SLR Camera with 3.0-Inch LCD and 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS UD Standard Zoom Lens

Product Description

From the Manufacturer

With the new EOS 60D DSLR, Canon gives the photo enthusiast a powerful tool fostering creativity, with better image quality, more advanced features and automatic and in-camera technologies for ease-of-use. It features an improved APS-C sized 18.0-megapixel CMOS sensor for tremendous images, a new DIGIC 4 Image Processor for finer detail and excellent color reproduction, and improved ISO capabilities from 100-6400 (expandable to 12800) for uncompromised shooting even in the dimmest situations. The new Multi-control Dial enables users to conveniently operate menus and enter settings with a simple touch.

Canon EOS 60D DSLR Highlights from

for the good price just click image above

The EOS 60D also features an EOS first: A Vari-angle 3.0-inch Clear View LCD (1,040,000 dots) monitor for easy low- or high-angle viewing. An improved viewfinder, a number of new in-camera creative options and filters, plus HDMI output for viewing images on an HDTV all make the EOS 60D invaluable for the evolving photographer. With continuously curved surfaces, user-friendliness and exuding solidity and refinement, the EOS 60D is true digital inspiration!

EOS 60D Highlights

18.0-megapixel CMOS sensor and DIGIC 4 Imaging Processor
The EOS 60D features a new, Canon-designed 18.0-megapixel APS-C size CMOS sensor that captures such a high level of resolution, it's easy to crop images for enlargement without concern of losing detail. A major factor in reducing noise, the CMOS sensor assures that images shot at highest sensitivity will be remarkably smooth.

The improved DIGIC 4 Image Processor ensures that images are captured, processed and saved with remarkable speed. The EOS 60D DSLR's new 3:2 multiple aspect ratio, in-camera RAW image processing, creative filters, image resizing and provided S2 and S3 image-recording quality are all possible thanks to the DIGIC 4 Image Processor. With dazzling results, the new DIGIC 4 Image Processor also works to capture and process data of images shot at 18.0 megapixels at 5.3 fps, as well as 14-bit signal processing for excellent image gradation, enhanced Face Detection Live mode, Full HD video recording, Auto Lighting Optimizer and Lens Peripheral Optimization.

ISO 100-6400 (expandable to 12800) for shooting from bright to dim light
Canon EOS 60D DSLR Highlights from

With a broad range of ISO settings, expandable up to 6400 in the Auto Setting and 12800 with Custom function, the EOS 60D enables shooting from sunrise to sunset and helps ensure capture of the finest detail. With enhanced high-sensitivity optimization, subjects can be captured clearly and easily at high shutter speeds without flash, with minimized blur and noise. In bright scenes, especially long exposures in daylight, optimal exposure can be achieved with a fully open wide-diameter lens, no dark filter needed.

Improved EOS HD Video mode with manual exposure control
Designed for the evolving, tech-savvy user, the EOS 60D features HD Video capture technologies--manual exposure control for more creative control, for example--borrowed directly from professional Canon DSLRs to capture stellar video with all the benefits of shooting with a DSLR. By shooting video with the EOS 60D, photographers as well as filmmakers can take advantage of the creative features native to DSLR cameras. Along with its manual controls, the EOS 60D allows for full use of Canon EF and EF-S lenses, including Macro and Fisheye, providing a plethora of shooting options once reserved only for still photography. The resulting HD video is a standout in its beautiful depth-of-field characteristics and remarkable capture capability under poor lighting conditions. Additionally, a Movie Crop function is included: An SD-quality video (640 x 480) can be cropped to the equivalent of about 7x magnification of regular shooting.

The audio input level can be set to Auto or Manual, up to 64 levels, and a wind filter minimizes unwanted background noise. By pressing the Quick Control button, a simple graphic user interface for adjusting image quality, white balance, image creation and other settings appears on the LCD. The EOS 60D even lets users edit video in-camera: On-site or off, unnecessary scenes can be deleted and the start/end points of video footage can be designated via in-camera editing functions without the need of a separate computer.

Canon EOS 60D DSLR Highlights from

Video can be captured at a number of resolutions and frame rates for numerous applications. It can capture 1920 x 1080 Full HD video at frame rates of 30 (29.97 fps), 24 (23.976 fps) and 25.0 frames per second, for up to 4GB per clip. Video footage is saved as MOV files and can be viewed in Full HD through the EOS 60D DSLR's HDMI output. Other recording sizes include HD at 1280 x 720 (50/60 fps) or SD/VGA at 640 x 480 (50/60 fps)--24/30 fps delivers cinema-like motion, while 60fps is perfect for footage being uploaded to video-sharing websites. The EOS 60D also has a built-in microphone for simple mono recording and stereo sound can be recorded through a self-powered external microphone.

Canon EOS 60D DSLR Highlights from

Vari-angle 3.0-inch Clear View LCD monitor
A first for any EOS, the EOS 60D features a bright, high resolution, flip-out Vari-angle 3.0-inch Clear View LCD monitor for shooting at a variety of angles. By easily switching between low and high angles, the EOS 60D freely enables angle adjustments even if the camera is mounted on a tripod or has a battery grip attached.

With 1,040,000 (dots/VGA) pixels for spectacular detail, the advanced, smudge-resistant monitor includes high transparency materials plus anti-reflective and water-repellant coatings to provide clear and bright viewing. Superb for reviewing, editing and deleting photos or composing new images in Live View function, the Vari-angle Clear View LCD monitor is also the perfect means for accessing camera settings like ISO, metering modes, AF Point selection, the horizontal Electronic Level and flash options.

5.3fps continuous shooting up to approx. 58 Large/JPEGs and 16 RAW
The EOS 60D operates with such effortless speed that operation is nothing short of intuitive. With a 0.1 second start-up time, speedy autofocus and minimal shutter lag, the EOS 60D is made to capture even rapidly-occurring scenes with stunning precision. Able to shoot up to 5.3 frames per second (fps), capturing a maximum burst of approximately 58 Large/JPEGs and 16 RAW, the EOS 60D DSLR lets you catch even the briefest of moments, whether it's a faced-paced soccer game or the flicker of a candle flame.

Canon EOS 60D DSLR Highlights from

96% viewfinder coverage allowing you to see more of your image in the viewfinder
The EOS 60D features a phenomenally redesigned viewfinder that not only offers an improved 96% coverage, 0.95x magnification, a 27.0° angle of view and user-controlled dioptric adjustment, it also features a newly designed transparent LCD display that enables a number of viewfinder displays. A six-level battery check indicator has been added on the left, and the exposure level indicator scale has been expanded to up to three stops, with arrows indicating greater exposure levels.

Canon EOS 60D DSLR Highlights from
The 60D's Electronic Level.
The EOS 60D also features an advanced horizontal Electronic Level, that, when activated, is superimposed on the LCD monitor to aid in achieving evenly leveled shots by indicating the horizontal tilt up to approximately 9° in 1° increments.

Enhanced iFCL 63-zone, Dual-layer metering system; and 9-point AF system
The EOS 60D features a sophisticated, 63-zone Dual-layer sensor designed to complement the 9-point AF system. By taking into account the color and luminosity surrounding chosen AF points, this system delivers an advanced level of accuracy for better results even in difficult lighting situations. Since the metering sensor has a color measurement function, exposure errors and focus errors caused by different light sources are minimized; the EOS 60D gives stable exposure from shot to shot in situations where light changes, such as in a theater or concert hall. This makes the EOS 60D ideal for scenes with extreme difference in brightness such as brightly lit scenes or backlit scenes; the camera balances exposure of the main subject at the background, and exposures are not overly influenced by bright areas in the shot.

Since the EOS 60D provides high-speed X-sync ("X-sync" means the fastest shutter speed that can synchronize with a flash burst at the moment the shutter is fully released) up to 1/250 sec., the range of photographic expression is dramatically increased, allowing the EOS 60D to be used with confidence in bright scenes or dim.

Canon EOS 60D DSLR Highlights from
Metering zones.
Convert RAW images into JPEGs in-camera and set the images to a 3:2 aspect ratio
The EOS 60D marks a highpoint in convenience for the photographer by being able to shoot an image as a RAW file and then process it entirely in-camera to produce a separate JPEG file without the need of an outside computer. The EOS 60D gives you 10 process variables--brightness adjustment, white balance, Picture Style, Auto Lighting Optimizer, noise reduction, JPEG image-recording quality, color space, lens peripheral illumination correction, distortion correction and chromatic aberrations correction--to create the image you envision, set to the 3:2 aspect ratio used in 35mm film.

Additionally, once you capture an image with the EOS 60D, you can digitally manipulate it in-camera with a number of creative filters for artistic and dramatic effect. Options include Soft Focus Effect to convey dreamy tableaus; Grainy Black-and-White Effect for a gritty, hard-bitten look; Toy Camera Effect--the deliberate vignetting and color shift technique popular in art photography--and Miniature Effect, which blurs the top and bottom edges of the image to emphasize perspective and conveys a miniaturized look of the scene.

Compatibility with SD/SDHC/SDXC memory cards
The EOS 60D DSLR uses popular SD, SDHC and SDXC memory cards. Compact, inexpensive and available in increasingly large capacities, SD, SDHC and SDXC memory cards are a perfect complement to the EOS 60D DSLR's compact and lightweight body design.

Compatible with the full line of Canon EF and EF-S lenses
The EOS 60D is compatible with all Canon lenses in the EF and EF-S lineup, ranging from ultra-wide angle to super telephoto lenses. Canon lenses employ advanced optical expertise and micron-precision engineering to deliver unprecedented performance in all facets of the photographic process. Special optical technologies, such as aspherical, ultra-low dispersion, or fluorite elements are featured in the universally acclaimed L-series lenses. And Canon's Optical Image Stabilizer technology is featured in select lenses to minimize the effect of camera shake. Additionally, photographers can use for video the same lenses they do for still photography; Canon wide-angle, macro, super-telephoto, tilt-shift and fisheye lenses provide a wealth of focal lengths, depth-of-field and other creative shooting options once reserved for stills. Through Canon lenses, photographers can truly maximize the quality and liberating performance of the EOS 60D.

Canon EOS 60D DSLR Highlights from

Flash Photography
With a flash sync speed of 1/250 of a second, the EOS 60D also features the acclaimed E-TTL II flash metering system. With any of the flashes in the EX Speedlite line (sold separately), E-TTL II provides reliable flash output whether shooting fill-in flash pictures in sunlight, or using flash in total darkness. With E-TTL II, the exact same 35-zone metering sensor used for measuring ambient light is also used for flash metering--giving even finer metering command of the image area. If you prefer a broader area for flash metering, there's a menu setting to change to "Average" flash metering--where the entire 35-zone area is measured evenly for flash exposure. Additionally, the EOS 60D has a Speedlite transmitter built-in for convenient, full-featured wireless control of EX-series Speedlite flashes set as slave units.

The Canon Speedlite 430EX II is the ideal step-up accessory for powerful flash shooting with the EOS 60D. It has excellent flash power (maximum guide number of 141 ft./43m at ISO 100), and is the perfect way to get great flash pictures when you can't get right up to the subject. The 430EX II is also great for bounce flash, with its tilting and swiveling flash head. It automatically zooms the flash head to cover lenses ranging from 16mm up to 105mm or longer with the EOS 60D. Of course, it works with the camera to provide full E-TTL II automatic flash exposure. And the 430EX II has a powerful AF-assist beam, which allows the camera to autofocus even in total darkness on subjects as far as 32 ft. from the camera.

Included Software

Canon EOS Digital Solution Disk (Version 23.0) The EOS 60D comes bundled with an updated Canon EOS Digital Solution Disk, which features powerful software programs designed to extend the EOS experience to the computer. These include Canon's EOS Utility (Version 2.9.0), Digital Photo Professional (Version 3.9.1), ZoomBrowser EX for Windows® (Version 6.6.0), ImageBrowser for Macintosh® OS X (Version 6.6.0), the Picture Style Editor (Version 1.8.0), PhotoStitch (Version W: 3.1.22/M: 3.4.4), WFT Utility (version 3.5.1), Memory Card Utility (Version 1.4), WFT Utility (Version 3.5.1), Original Data Security Tools (Version 1.9.0). Each application is designed to perfect the captured images and streamline the digital workflow.

EOS Utility (Version 2.9.0) for Macintosh or Windows handles the connection between the camera and computer, whenever they're connected via USB. It allows remote controlled shooting from the computer, handles downloading of images from the camera to the computer, and allows seamless linking to either Canon's ZoomBrowser/ImageBrowser or Digital Photo Professional software once images have been copied to the hard drive. Furthermore, it's used to upload settings back into a USB-connected camera.

Digital Photo Professional (Version 3.9.1) is an image processing program that enables high-speed RAW image processing, high-speed previewing for real-time image adjustment and support for sRGB, Adobe RGB and Wide Gamut RGB color spaces. Because it's CMS (Color Management System) compatible, Digital Photo Professional allows for easy image layout and printing in Adobe RGB in conjunction with Easy-PhotoPrint and PictBridge printers. It also features the Dust Delete Data Detection tool for cleaner images.

ZoomBrowser EX (Version 6.6.0) for Windows and ImageBrowser (Version 6.6.0) for Mac OS X are the easy, user-friendly options for viewing and editing of JPEG and even RAW image files. Both allow viewing of numerous types of images including finished TIFF and BMP files. Both also have a variety of search options for finding images, allow re-naming of single images or batches of files, and offer a variety of options for printing without using a separate image-editing program.

Picture Style Editor (Version 1.8.0) Canon's Picture Style Editor enables photographers to create custom Picture Style profiles that can be used to customize the appearance of JPEG and RAW images captured with EOS Digital SLR cameras. Picture Style files created with Picture Style Editor can be loaded into the EOS cameras that support Picture Style and may also be used when processing RAW images in Canon software applications Digital Photo Professional, ZoomBrowser EX (for Windows) and ImageBrowser (for Mac).

What's in the Box
  • EOS 60D Body
  • EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens
  • Eyecup Eb
  • Wide Strap EW-EOS 60D
  • USB Interface Cable IFC-130U
  • Stereo AV cable AVC-DC400ST
  • Battery Pack LP-E6
  • Battery Charger LC-E6
  • EOS Digital Solution Disk and Instruction Manuals "Great Photography is Easy" Booklet and "Do More with Macro" Booklet

Monday, April 25, 2011


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from Everywhere in the globe.

This is a solution that will turn any average mobile phone into a high end security device.

The surveillance system brings video from video source such as USB or IP Camera to your mobile phone. It contains both the client and server software.

You can watch your room, corporation, babysitter, parents, pets, etc.

You can watch online images from your cameras on mobile phone through
any kind of ip connection from any location in the globe.
In case of intrusion, a real image helps prevent false alarm and cancel police dispatches to avoid the fines.

Enjoy the liberty of viewing all your webcams
on cell phone anytime and from anywhere with just the click of a button.

How does cell surveillance work:

You connect your webcam (USB, IP camera, or Camcoder) to your home pc
and install the software.

The software captures video and audio from webcam and sends it, as compressed
media stream, to web server.

You login to this Web server from your cell phone and watch your camera.

No particular application for your mobile phone is necessary.

All about mobile video security.

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